Dear Veterans,
Kindly go through the in line mails from various personalities.
Without even trying to evolve a consensus, we cannot arrive at a conclusion that the Unity amongst various ESM Organisations is not achievable.
When I proposed the idea of a Seminar, many ESM from various organisations were for it, since it will provide a forum for open discussion & iron out the existing differences. The differences existing today, are basically about the approach to be adopted by us & not on the veracity of our claims as such.
Let us all be clear about what we are going to demand & the methods to be adopted. If it is the legal course, let us pursue it only as a last resort. Creating a favourable condition through the Media, the Public & other Pensioners Associations, are all inherent in any of the course we decide to follow. To enable us to achieve a concerted effort in all these activities, UNITY amongst us will be the guiding principle.
I am prepared to Organise a Seminar of all ESM Organisations in Chennai, in the last week of October 09 or the first week of Nov 09. Gen RN Radhakrishnan has been kind enough to suggest me a broad time schedule for the same, covering four sessions in two days.
If the leading ESM Organisations, including IESL, IESM, Navy Foundation & AF Association, War Wounded Organisation, FIESA & those headed by various other Personalities like Col Tyagi, Col SS Sohi, Col Inderjit Singh etc are prepared to be represented, then the Seminar would be worth the while.
I have given myself & our team in Chennai, till 15 August 09, to wait for the reaction from various ESM Organisations & Personalities, who have guided our efforts so far, before issuing the confirmation about the Seminar & dates.
Therefore, I earnestly request all of you to respond to this mail. Since I am not in the loop of Core Group IESM & Military Veterans group, may I request Cdr Sharan Ahuja to transmit this mail to the members of those groups.
Best Wishes,
Veteran Raman.
A wonderful proposal. I hope good sense will prevail upon all of us who are really concerned with the welfare of veterns
Yes Sir,
By having such seminar we can educate our soldier or we can wake them towards their capabilities , Honesty & integraty.
I feel this is right way to go .
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