The Army Group Insurance was registered as a society with the Registrar of Societies undertheRegistration of Societies Act, (Act XXI) of 1860 with following objects:-
o To provide Insurance benefit speedily to the families of those Army personnel who may die while in service. o Provide lump sum maturity benefit at the time of retirement.
o To provide any other benefits as may be decided by the Board of Governors from time to time.
· On inception, AGIF had started with just two schemes. It has come a long way sine then and has introduced many schemes keeping in view the socio-economic conditions in the country and the needs of Army personnel and their families. The present AGIF schemes are listed below:
o Insurance Cover for APS personnel.
o Insurance cover for DSC personnel.
o Insurance Cover for TA personnel.
o Disability Benefit.
o Maturity Benefit.
o Ex. Gratia Disability Allowance to Severely Handicapped and Disabled Officers and PBOR.
o Additional Insurance Cover for Army Aviation Corps Pilots and MMG Gunners.
o Insurance Cover for Gentlemen/Lady Cadets of NDA, IMA and OTA.
o Sustenance Allowance to Differently Abled Children with Special Needs of Serving Soldiers Dying in Harness.
o Post Retirement extended Insurance Scheme.
o Social Security Deposit Scheme for widows and minors.
o Conveyance Advance.
o Conveyance Advance Linked Group Life Insurance Scheme.
o House Building Advance Scheme.
o House Building Advance Linked Group Life Insurance Scheme.
o Personal Computer Advance Scheme.
· Post Retirement Extended Insurance (EI) Scheme
· EI Scheme was introduced in 1981 with the aim of providing Life Insurance Cover without any maturity benefit to Army personnel after retirement/discharge/release up to a specified period and amount by charging on time non refundable subscription.
· The scheme provides the specified amount of cover to the NOK in case of death of the member within the period of cover, as given in the certificate issued to each member.
· The scheme has undergone periodic reviews and is applicable depending on the date of retirement as given below:-
Benefits after retirement - Click
My uncle retired from signals on 31 July 1991.He must have been a member of AGIF. Now he died on 9June2010. What financial benefit does he get from AGIF?
Please inform Vidyaravi0007@gmail.com
Pramod john
My mother family pension starts from Jan /2010 .but my father is not joined ECHS seam the medical allowance not came in my family pension .if is possible to refund the medical alliance to my mother pension .and please tell what are allowance give to A widow. What financial benefit does he get from AGIF? My e-mail address is Pramodjohn.john@gmail.com
The Air Force Group Insurance, and to a lesser extent, the Naval Group Insurance scheme details are readily available online. But, strangely, that isn't the case with Army Group Insurance.
I, JC 758612P Ex Sub(EME)Prakash N,
retired from service on 31 Jul 11. I had deposited my original property documents after availing HBA from AGI. During my retirement my pending HBA loan balance was deducted from my AGI (Excess 18,000/-+). I had already approached plenty times with AGI & DGEME, OIC EME Records & PAO(OR) EME. However, no fruitful action recd yet. My property document is still left with AGI, without which I am unable to reconstruct or sale my property. If the problem is of an with officer it would have already been solved and imdt action would have been taken by the concerning offr. But this is regarding with an JCO, hence action is very delay. I know very well that in our democracy- Army, such case may be solved only after intervention of any powerful influence. This the response given for an Army retired JCO after retirement.
my father retired on 31/03/2010.He was in A.S.C after retirement he worked for private sector as a clerk then on 09/09/2011 he expired due to liver cancer and we didn't received any insurance benefits till this year please assist us in solving our problem my mother is not even getting the pension benefits.
thank you
A.G Surendaran
my e-mail i.d a.gsurendran111@gmail.com
Great Post! It's very nice to read this info from someone that actually knows what they are talking about.Home Insurance Malibu
Dear Sir, I Jai Prakash sharma, Ex-HAV, 13693603-X, taken a loan of Rs. 24,000.00 (Rs. Twenty Four Thousand) vide AGIF letter no. A/56271/AG/INS(CA CELL)/45821/TW dated 15 Feb 2006 from AGI which has already been paid and it was also reflected in my last balance sheet. A amount of Rs, 1221.00 deducted as loan re-payment which was indicated in Insurance sheet given by AGI. In this regard, letter no. 13693603-X/AGI-NE(M) dated 12 Apr 12 of Records, Brigade of the Guards refers. It is therefore requested necessary action may be taken at your end and excess amount may be refunded at the earliest.
Dear Sir,
My Uncle who retired from Army Medical Corps on 1973, had demised on 06 sep 2012. Is his Wife is eligible for Post Retirement Army Group Insuarance benefit. If it is, then what is the procedure to claim this Insuarance...Please help me....His Details are follows,
Army No . 6792044, Hav P Vijayan Menon, Army Medical Corps....
With Regards,
Sreejith Revathy Achuthan,
Ex-Cpl of IAF...
Dear sir, My dad was in Army Ordnance Corps . Now he died on 25 jan2013 during service. What financial benefit does he get from AGIF?
my email id is satyendrakumarth@live.in
My name is B.V.SRINIVASULU, EX-Cfn in EME, discharged from Amry on 31/03/1992 and Army Group Insurance Certificate on 212254/14610727/92,dated 23/04/2013, insurance covered for the period from 01/04/1992 to 31/03/2007 with sum assured for Rs. 50,000/-. In this connection I request you kindly clarify whether I can claim the assured amount as it is matured on 31/03/2007, If yes please give me details how to claim and where I should submit claim.
Myself Kuldeep Manga Guleria, I have extended army group insurance certificate which is vailde 12 Aug 1994 to 11 Aug 2014
Premium 3500 and Sum assured 1 Lakh. I would like to know can i get any refund value or any other benefit on this certificate.
Certificate No.- 12296/14362600/94
Issued No - 14362600
Please contact : 9967491385/9167047909
Email id - yogeshguleria99@gmail.com
My father retired from DSC on 31 May 2002.He must have been a member of DSC. Service no.1435634Now he died on 28/7/14 . What financial benefit does he get from DSC and family pension scheme and please check our letter number DSC /ma/411909
Dated 10 /4/2002 about deduction of 3800 rs ?
My father retired from DSC on 31 May 2002.He must have been a member of DSC. Now he died on 28/7/14 . What financial benefit does he get from DSC and family pension scheme and please check our letter number DSC /ma/411909
Dated 10 /4/2002 about deduction of 3800 rs ?
Hi,My Father was a JCO and retired in Apr,2007 from TA, Bihar regt and passed away on 13/Jun/2007. Can somebody assist me in knowing how to claim AGI? and what all docs are required to submit.
If at all we dont get his AGI bond then how can we claim this?
Thanks in advance for the help.
My email: samalmanoranjan@gmail.com
Dear Sir,
My father retired from Army on 1 july 2008 after serving 26 years & 4 months.
Unfortunately he died in the month of June 2014, i have traced all his documents for Extended AGI fund, but not found. Pls suggest how to move further.
Dear sir, my father expired on September 2015, he was benificiary of AGIF,now my mother is the nominee of this insurance. We have lost the Original MBS card and original extended army group insurance certificate. But have the Xerox of all the above. Please guide us how to proceed in order to claim the insurance. Thank you. Plz guide us through email id pdfriends.007@gmail.com
My father retired from Army in 2001 .
Unfortunately he died in the month of august 2009, i dont have his MBS card or releted documents. ihave to claim for refund Pls suggest how to move further in this .
Thanks in advance for the help.
My email: anisona26@gmail.com
Respected sir My Father retired from 1986 (88 Armoured regiment). He is died on 21/11 /2015. He is member of Extended army group insurance. Premium Rs 580. What benefits in this insurance please reply me fast sir.
Contact details - :09981204470,07879333955
EMAIL - :sunilm02@live.com
sir, My father retired from 1989 (6 maratha batallion). he is died on 30.03.2005. He is member of Extended army group insurance. Premium Rs 580. What benefits in this insurance please reply me fast sir.
Contact-pra.kadam80@yahoo.com/sheetalkadam2014@gmail.com (7387286063)
Dear sir i am ex man navnath dattu saste my army no.14385010N rank ts/nk i am retired on 31/10/2001. My problem is that.when i was retaired that time m.b.s. Mesical benifit schime was lanched by the govt .subcripsation 10000/- dedacated from agi .i received rs 60000/- later on but whats about 4000/- whether the same amount had been transfared to ecsh
Dear Sir, My father retired as Major in Eme regiment in 1981. He exipired in 1982 and my mother received pension and group insurance etc. Todayi.e 28-08-2017 she received a call from one Mr Raghubir Singh saying he is from AGI New Delhi. He said that she has to receive some amount or she has to pay for insurance...it was not clear what he was saying. Was it a fake call to extract account details of my mother or is it a genuine one? Whom to contact at AGI?
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