Ref: ESM/GC-M/09/12 Dated: 31 Mar 09
To & 24/5/09.
1. Adjt Gen, IHQ of MOD (Army), New Delhi-11.
2. CGDA, West Block-5, RK Puram New Delhi-66.
3. Jt CDA (Pensions)
4. Secy, ESM Welfare Dept, MOD New Delhi-11.
Banks & Bureaucrats are delaying sanctioned Pensions/ benefits to Ex-Servicemen
1. There has been regular flow of complaints on Pensions from all corners of states, that their Pensions are not reaching in their accounts correctly & properly. Every bank has his own system of working & calculating ESM Pensions, which vary from Bank to Bank. Therefore, same rank ESM are getting different amount of Pension from different Banks. Most of the Banks do not have trained clerical staff to work out our Pensions and are mainly dependent on their Head/ Zonal Offices. That’s how most of the ESM/ Widows are getting raw deal at lower Banks and are being told to go to their HO for details. Remote area banks are playing worst role. Widow Krishna Devi from Kharar tells that she has not got single rupee arrears, yet.
2. Even no worth while help is coming out of the civilian staff of DPDOs (Defence Pension Disbursing Offices) at district level. CDA has not issued specific revised/ new PPOs (Pension Pay Orders) to Individual ESM & Banks. After Govt’s approval of 6th Pay Commission, Ministry of Defence has issued instructions to all Paying agencies to release Pension payments to ESM as per some charts. Even these charts & instructions have been changed/ modified more than twice, hence lot of confusions have come up at various places. Civil staff does not work even for 40 hours weekly and lot many holidays in between have made ESM/ Widows suffer adversely.
3. Bureaucratic staff sitting at MOD is generally delaying publication of due notifications for release of Pensions. They have been making too many mistakes in interpreting Pay commission’s recommendations. Because, this civilian staff is unprofessional, anti ESM and lack interest & commitment of duty. That’s how MOD was pointed out 107 mistakes on 14/1/09 during their meeting with ESM Assns and 70 mistakes were agreed to remove on priority with in weeks, are still groping in dark. Worst is that Govt have already approved PB-4 for Lt Colonels 2 months back but our Bureaucracy/ MOD is still not in mood to publish Notification and working over time probably, to put some hurdles in it. Because there is no body there from ESM/ Forces to safe guard our interests & entitlements. Where as these civilians alter/ manipulate documents to their advantage. That’s why orders are passed down with lacunas/ mistakes.
4. The
5. All the retired soldiers after 1/1/06, are still looking to the sky for the increased Pension & arrears.
6. Therefore, we humbly request all dealing bosses to streamline their working and payment system to avoid any further delay and harassment to ESM Community, please. We shall be highly obliged please.
Your’s Sincerely,
Copy to: (
1. All concerned. Ex-Servicemen Grievances Cell (Regd)
Progress Action Report-I.
7. Sir, we are grateful for publishing Govt Notification dt 21/5/09 on PB-4 for pre 1/1/06 retiree Lt Colonels. This provides good relief for Officers. However, similar benefits for lower segments are still awaited please. Specially, Personnel Below the Officers Ranks (PBORs), (96)%, are also looking very hopefully towards Govt’s forth coming benefits/ orders, amounting to One Rank One Pension (OROP) demand, please.
8. Similarly, the 6th Pay Commission benefits for post 1/1/06 retirees, were cleared long back by the cabinet, but are still under Govt’s Publication for release of Pensions. We are also hopeful that Govt will be kind enough to release the amount (of all type of Pensions) to the Bankers soon. Many ESM/ Widows are still not happy with delays & Bank calculation services, please.
Copy to: As above. (
Note: Sir, Govt has cleared benefits for Lt Gen to
Dear Sir! it's a foul-cry in front of our Bureaucracy.they will do as thy like as themselves.they have not conscious to realize, one day they will become certainly as Pensioners.
when wrong credits occurred in IRAL[SALARY ACCOUNTS] by PAO, they simply deduct the wrong credits[done by them] with fine/int erst.
what about the delayed heavy payments of arrears.
sincerely - sbk
I feel bureaucrtic delay and wrong interpretrations of scpc recommendations have delayed the benifit to reach ESM/Widows. I want to quote one point from scpc recommendations and approval from GOI. it states the fixation of pension for the existing pensioners willbe subject to the provision that the revised pension in no case shall be lower than the fifty percent of the sum of the minium of the pay in the pay band and the grade pay there on corresponding to the pre revised pay scale from which the pensioner had retired. Here scpc is not mentioning about maximum qualifying service for this benibit. If this recommendation was implemented as it is, it should have been benificial to many ESM who came out of service without maxium service.Scpc also says extant rules for maximum service for pension may be dispenced off.
Grievance Description : Grievance Description : As per govt of India department of personnel and Administrative Reforms vide their OM no 39016/5/81-estt (c) 21/2/81 for the purpose of employment through employment exchange dget special cell to the dependent of disabled soldier under priority II A category. In this regard that my name was registered in dget ex-serviceman cell vide registration no. JK/199 dt: 16/09/16 under priority II A category for employment assistance. I need immediate employment assistance because I am very needy person. my mother was a heart patient.I am already approach to state employment exchange for employment but they don't help the poor people. they only help to rich and Muslim people. so I am forwarding my case to your office for further getting employment assistance to dependent of disable soldier.That my father have been served in army and disabled in major accident in 1962 war and admitted in military hospital for 9 months after discharge by army of released of medical board on medical grounds with 60% disability for life. That I am only one dependent of my disabled father and my case falls under priority ii a category employment assistance. Please see my case on priority basis and further getting employment assistance to dependent of disabled soldier and appoint any suitable post at the earliest as possible. I SANDEEP KUMAR S/O LATE RFN MADAN MOHAN R/O JMC 892 HARI SINGH NAGAR, REHARI COLONY, JAMMU, I REPRESENT MY CASE FOR JUSTICE AND EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE TO DEPENDENT OF DISABLED SOLDIER. THAT MY FATHER WAS RETIRED ON MEDICAL GROUNDS AND INVALIDED PENSION. THAT MY FATHER RFN MADAN MOHAN HAVE SERVED IN ARMY FOR 12.5 YEARS, WHILE IN SERVING HE WAS DISABLED IN MAJOR ACCIDENT AND ADMITTED IN MILITARY HOSPITAL FOR 9 MONTH. DURING THIS ACCIDENT HIS BODY WAS TOTALLY FRACTURED. AFTER THE DISCHARGE BY ARMY OF RELEASED OF MEDICAL BOARD ON MEDICAL GROUNDS NO HELP THROUGH ARMY. HE WAS INVALIDED OUT OF ARMY IN 1969. HE WAS EXPIRED ON 27/07/05 DUE TO HEART ATTACK, MY MOTHER WAS A HEART PATIENT, I AM ALSO MARRIED. MY FATHER WAS MARRIED HIS THREE DAUGHTERS. AFTER DEATH OF MY FATHER ALL THE RESPONSIBILITY OF MY FAMILY ARE DEPENDS ON ME BECAUSE I AM ALONE MALE MEMBER OF MY FAMILY. I AM VERY NEEDY PERSON. I NEED ANY JOB VERY MUCH. THAT I AM TRYING TO VERY HARD WORK TO GET A JOB AND FILLED VARIOUS FORMS IN MANY GOVT./SEMI GOVT. DEPTTS. AND PASSED THE INTERVIES / TESTS BUT NOT SELECTED BECAUSE WITHOUT SUPPORT ,BACK ,MONEY. IN THIS TIME NO JOBS ARE AVAILABLE FOR POOR AND NEEDY PEOPLES. WHEN THE PRICES ARE SPRIALLING SKY HIGH. THE EXCUSE OF MINISTERS AND OFFICERS ARE NOT JUSTIFIED. WITH OUR JK STATE GOVT. WAS ALSO TOTALLY CORRUPT AND FAILURED. NOBODY CAN JUSTICE THE POOR PEOPLES. THIS IS MY VERY HUMBLE REQUEST TO YOU PLEASE SEE MY CASE ON PRIORITY BASIS AND THE JUSTICE WAS DONE IN MY FAVOUR AND FURTHER GETTING EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE TO DEPENDENT OF DISBALED Soldier
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