Copy of Government of India, Min. of Defence letter No.B/40029/AG/PS(d)/1/B/D (Pension/Services) dated 7th January, 1999.
I am directed to refer to this ministry’s letter No.10(7)/92/D (Pension/Services) dated 30 March, 1992 sanctioning ex-gratia payment w.e.f. 01 Jan 1992 or from the date following the date of death of deceased reservists to the widow and dependent children of the deceased who had opted to receive one time lump sum gratuity in lieu of pension and state that the President is now pleased to decide that the ex-gratia payment sanctioned above shall be consolidated w.e.f. 01.11.97 at the following rate:-
The amount of basic Revised/Consolidated Rate of DR PM
Ex-gratia prior to basic amount of w.e.f. 1.11.97 &
1.11.97 Ex-gratia wef 1.11.97 until further order
(i) (ii) (iii)
Rs.150 Rs.605/- Rs.13/- + 5% of 605
Dearness relief as may be notified from time in future shall also be admissible to them.
The recipients of ex-gratia payment who were employed/re-employed under the Central or State Govt. or under a body Corporate/Autonomous organization belonging to the Central or State Government were eligible only or reconsolidated basic ex-gratia and were not eligible or increase in Dearness Relief on ex-gratia payment allowed from time to time in the past during the period of their employment/re-employment. With this consolidation family members of the deceased reservists will be eligible for ex-gratia payment as indicated in Para 1 column above w.e.f. 1.11.97 during the course of their employment/re-employment. These persons will not be entitled to DR indicated in column (iii) above (and which may be sanctioned in future) as long as they remain employed/re-employed.
The family members who are already in receipt of ex-gratia payment will get DR on the pre-consolidated amount of ex-gratia at old rate w.e.f. 01. Jul 97 to 31 Oct 97 i.e. at the rate of 182%.
Arrears of ex-gratia payment will be payable w.e.f. 1.11.97. Life time arrears of ex-gratia payment will also be admissible in respect of beneficiaries who were alive on 1.11.97 and died subsequently to that date, for the period from 1.11.97 to the date of death.
These orders issue with the concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance/Pension) vide their U.O.No.2981/Pen/98 dated 30.12.1998.
Copy of Govt. of India, Min. of Defence, New Delhi letter No.8/39042/AG/PS-4(a&c)1331/C/D (Pen/Sers) dated 29.12.2000.
Grant of ex-gratia to reservists who did not opt for grant of pension and have not availed themselves of the benefits of rehabilitation assistance granted by Government and are not in receipt of any other pension.
The undersigned is directed to convey the sanction of the President to the grant of ex-gratia payment of Rs.600 p.m. plus dearness relief applicable from time to time to the reservists who were discharged prior to 1.4.68 and who having rendered minimum qualifying service required for grant of pension, had opted/accepted for lump sum amount of gratuity at the time of release from service and have not availed benefits of rehabilitation assistance granted by the Govt. and are not in receipt of any other pension. The ex-gratia will be payable w.e.f. 01.November, 1997.
Payment of dearness relief involving a fraction of a rupee shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee.
This issues with the concurrence of finance division of this Ministry vide their U.O
No.4661/Pen/00 dated 21.12.2000.
Yours faithfully,
Under Secretary to the Govt of India.
Comment: These orders were issued as early Jan 1999. Very few have availed the
benefits. Ex-servicemen Welfare Associations should verify the documents
of their members and help them to get these benefits.
Please note that the benefits were first sanctioned to the widows of the
reservists and thereafter to the living reservists. This is a very old order, still
benefits can be claimed with arrears.
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