The 6th CPC had not recommended any specific rates of pension to the above category of family pensioners. The MOD also does not mention any thing about the revised rates of pension to be paid to the above pensioners.
2. The Government accepted the following rates of pension w.e.f. 1.1.96 to the above category of pensioners:-
i) Special Family Pension shall not be less than 60% of the minimum pay in the revised scale of pay introduced w.e.f 1.1.96 of the rank (in case of commissioned officers) rank and group (in the case of PBOR) held with a minimum of Rs.2,550/- PM.
ii) Dependent pension fixed as 50% of the Special Family Pension.
iii) Liberalised Dependent Pension fixed as 75% of the pay introduced w.e.f. 1.1.96 if both the parents are alive.
Liberalised Dep. Pension fixed as 60% of the scale of pay introduced w.e.f. 1.1.96 if only single parent is alive.
iv) Liberalised family pension fixed as 100% of the scale of pay introduced w.e.f. 1.1.96.
3/ In the absence of any specific recommendations by the 6th CPC on the above subject, the MOD should have given some guidelines based on the above existing provisions, linking the revision with the revised scale of pay w.e.f. 1.1.2006. Separate tables should have been prepared for the above category of pensioners instead of following the Annexure I which is the most disadvantageous one in these cases. The MOD and PCDA(P)
4. Unfortunately the apex bodies of ex servicemen welfare organizations like the Indian Ex services League and the Air Force Association had failed to study this issue line by line and counter it with the MOD for immediate clarification and issue of separate tables for these category of pensioners. If the MOD and the PCDA(P) Allahabad continue issuing circulars in this way without any active participation/interaction with these apex bodies of all India exsm. Organizations, the very purpose of the existence of these organizations will be lost. The decision of the MOD will be final even if happens to be totally against the interest of the 20 lacs exsm. The unilateral rejection by the government to our request to include a Defence representative in the 6th CPC is mainly due to non existence of one strong all
5. This is the first time an All India organization named IESM strongly protesting and conducting a relay hunger strike for more than 90 days in the capital. This is the right time that all the ex servicemen association all over
6. The Chairman of the IESM should meet the MOD officials at least once in a month regularly and discuss all the grievances pooled to him by the small associations. The MOD normally addresses all the letters regarding defence pension to the Three Service Chiefs. Is the Service Chiefs are responsible for the implementation of these pension orders ? I don’t think so. Then why are these letters are addressed to them ? It may be for their information, but the Secretariats of these service chief’s do not even forward these letters down to some of the beneficiary organizations such as the IESL, AFA or IESM. The IESM no doubt had gained greater awareness among many veterans throughout
7. The Defence Pension Policy letters issued by the MOD are like a foundation for any building. Whatever the benefits to be showered upon the pensioners should be available in one single clear order on one date even it can be in the form of a book for that matter. Referring to various orders of different dates and linking with the present order leads to lot of confusion. Any ordinary pensioner will not have access to all the orders referred therein as a result, the purpose of the very order itself is defeated and raises more and more confusion leading to cause mental agony and unrest in the minds of the pensioners. The present grievances mechanisms for the pensioners are mere eye wash. None of the bank authorities seems to have understood the MOD and PCDA(P) orders on revision of pension for defence pensioners. Anomalies are piling up. Even the apex bodies of various ex servicemen welfare associations accept that the PBOR pension issue is a complex one. Who is responsible for all these state of affairs ? and what is the solution ?
8. The Department of Ex servicemen Welfare at
9. Due to the advancement of information technology, all the Banks have started centralizing the pension payment from one centre without preparing proper data base of the defence pensioners. The largest bank SBI dealing with maximum defence pensioners, recently centralized all the pension payments region wise. (Local Head Office wise) under the administrative control of Chief Manager, with few junior management grade officers and few data entry operators (Bank’s regular clerical staff), who know nothing about the defence pension. The data input format has been designed by personnel who have no knowledge about the defence pension and without giving any provisions for the future needs. This has resulted in lot of complaints against the Central Pension Processing Centres under each Local Head Office throughout
10. The Indian Overseas Bank, through out sourcing had developed a data base named PENMIC (Pension Master Index Card). The filling up of this card involves lot of patience and knowledge about defence personnel. But once the PENMIC is correctly filled up and prepared for all the pensioners, then things will move smoothly. But most of the IOB branches could not complete the PENMIC format correctly. This has resulted in wrong calculation of the 6th CPC arrears. Likewise, every bank has got their own style of functioning.
11. I have come across some learned Colonels, having put up 33 years of service in Army Records Branch, were made to run pillar to post to get their pension revised from Rs.19,323 of Annexure I to Rs.26,050 of Annexure II. With some influence with the bankers, they got settled their first installment arrears amounting to Rs.1,31,750/- and got their pension revised to Rs.26,050/-. When this writer requested them to take up the issue as a common problem and bring it to the notice of IESM for a total solution for all, but these senior officers got it done individually with their banks. Now imagine the plight of PBORs (Hon. Lt. and Hon. Capt.)who are completely ignorant of these, even though it is similar to the cases of these Colonels. All these PBORs cannot go to the banks individually. This is where the all
12. At present neither all the banks nor all the individual defence pensioners are aware of their correct revised pension and arrears. The banks have by, out sourcing paid some amount to some pensioners, which the banks themselves are unable to explain now. The Govt. of
13. In order to fix accountability and accuracy in the pension payment, the organizations like IESM should take the help of the Right To Information Act and get the full details of pension payment from the banks and CDA(P). As per MOD letter Dt.11.11.08 every pension disbursing agency should submit Annexure IV to the PCDA(P) Allahabad in respect of each pensioner who have been paid revised pension and arrears. If we ask a copy of the Annexure IV through RTI in respect of each defence pensioner we will know the total position of the defence pension disbursement. Our further action can be planned based on the report/reply from CDA(P)
14. So far I have narrated certain general observations on Defence pension policy/plan and disbursement. In my previous e-mail dt.20/2/09 I have prepared tables for minimum ordinary family pension for all ranks and groups and got it published in the ‘Report my signal’ blog and ‘indianexserviceman.blogspot.com blogs.
15. Now I have prepared some tables showing the amount of revised special family pension payable to all eligible pensioners of PBORs which the MOD had not done so far. I request Maj.Navdeep Singh Sir and Col.James Kanagaraj Sir to kindly verify and help to publish for the benefit of the pensioners.
For the purpose of highlighting certain deficiencies in the MOD letter dt.11.11.08 only PBOR cases are explained here. The position is the same in respect of officers families and of the other types of pensions like dependent pension, dependent pension (liberalized) and liberalized family pension.
Rank | Existing SFP | Revised pension should have been fixed by MOD but not done | Revised pension as per Annexure I paid | Per month reduction in Basic Pension | Total reduction in the arrears for 32 months ___________________ 40% 60% | |
Sepoy | 2550 | 7000 | 5763 | 1237 | 16853 | 25280 |
Naik | 2550 | 7000 | 5763 | 1237 | 16853 | 25280 |
Hav | 2550 | 7000 | 5763 | 1237 | 16853 | 25280 |
Nb Sub | | | | | | |
Gp. ‘A’ | 3120 | 10140 | 7052 | 3088 | 42071 | 63106 |
Gp. ‘B’ | 2880 | 9300 | 6509 | 2791 | 38024 | 57037 |
Gp. ‘C’ | 2790 | 9300 | 6306 | 2994 | 40790 | 61185 |
Gp D to G | 2790 | 9300 | 6306 | 2994 | 40790 | 61185 |
Gp E to H | 2640 | 9300 | 5967 | 3333 | 45400 | 68113 |
Subedar | | | | | | |
Gp ‘A’ | 3702 | 10380 | 8367 | 2013 | 27425 | 41137 |
Gp ‘B’ | 3462 | 9540 | 7825 | 1715 | 23365 | 35048 |
Gp ‘C’ | 3372 | 9540 | 7621 | 1919 | 26145 | 39217 |
Gp D to G | 3372 | 9540 | 7621 | 1919 | 26145 | 39217 |
Gp E & H | 3237 | 9540 | 7317 | 2223 | 30286 | 45429 |
Sub. Maj | | | | | | |
Gp ‘A’ | 4350 | 10500 | 9831 | 669 | 9114 | 13672 |
Gp ‘B’ | 4050 | 9660 | 9153 | 507 | 6908 | 10361 |
Gp ‘C’ | 4050 | 9660 | 9153 | 507 | 6908 | 10361 |
Gp D to G | 4050 | 9660 | 9153 | 507 | 6908 | 10361 |
Gp E to H | 3960 | 9660 | 8950 | 710 | 9673 | 14510 |
Hon. Lt | 6300 | 16200 | 14238 | 1962 | 26730 | 40095 |
Hon Capt | 6510 | 16620 | 14713 | 1907 | 25981 | 38972 |
Note: If the MOD accepts this chart, other charts in respect of officers’ families and other categories of pension will be released. It is requested that the IESM Chairman take up this issue with the MOD immediately and arrange for disbursement of correct revised pension. This chart if approved, may be sent to IESL and AFA for their circulation. Revised arrears should be arranged for payment to these widows at the earliest.
I am drawing Special Family Pension from Indian Navy . Can anyone tell me if my Special Family pension is taxable under the Income tax act or is it exempted ?
I would also like to know if special family pension is exempt from income tax. There is clarity in this regard for disability factor but what about the wives of pilots who died during duty. Somebody please enlighten.
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